Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer preparing for a new way of doing business? As lockdown conditions ease and economic activities resume, practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will continue. A safe workspace where employees can focus on responding to market changes is thus vital. Opting for a flexible workspace is a way to operate efficiently and face challenges in this new work climate.
Advantages to choosing a flexible workspace
Cost of leasing: Uncertain times call for vigilance managing resources. Flexible workspace offers flexibility both in the term of your lease and the space you rent. Rather than commit to a long-term commercial lease, you can choose short-term contracts that are renewable from month to month.
Optimal space: Based on your business needs, you can reduce or add more space and configure the layout to meet unique types of workers and activities. You can plan the space as a private office or a co-working space while allowing for privacy, hygiene, and social distancing. As a member, you also have access to reception areas, meeting rooms, and breakout spaces. Some facilities even offer a gym and quiet rooms for members’ use.
Utilities: Flexible workspaces have reliable IT and telephone services, furniture, and the amenities you need to conduct business. Cleaning of premises, security, and beverages are all part of the services offered by flexible workplace operators. With the essentials taken care of, you have more time to focus on running your business.
Location: Most flexible workspaces are located in a prime business area that allows for ease of commuting and interactions with others. A prestigious location enhances your brand image, even if you conduct most of your business remotely. Inquire about having a membership that includes a business address.
Best use of human resources: The present time calls for employees to focus their skills and talents to grow the business. You save resources as the facility’s receptionist helps by fielding calls and greeting visitors on your behalf.
Feeling of community: Even though some employees may prefer to work remotely, the nature of your business determines how effective this can be for the long-term. While some work that employees handle may require working in private settings, people are social by nature and enjoy interacting with others.
Flexible workspaces allow for both these types of interactions. Not only do they allow for the safe interaction of your own employees, but also for interactions with other freelancers and entrepreneurs using the facility. The opportunity to network and socialize with others in your community is important for your business growth.
Others who find flexible workspaces useful:
Besides small business owners, flexible office spaces can also appeal to larger businesses. Many of the newer offices have open-plan designs with minimal spaces to work in privacy. As they change and strive to maintain these core offices to comply with social distancing and good hygiene, these businesses will have to look for alternate space for some employees. Staff members who work as teams or on projects are likely to opt for flexible office spaces.
Using a flexible workspace is also a way to cope with the transitions taking place in the business environment. Many businesses have to take stock of the current situation and change their products, method of delivery, and ways of functioning to comply with safety rules. They also have to cater to discerning customers. This is not the time to consider long-term investments or expensive office modifications. In this sense, flexible workspace operators offer an effective solution until the way ahead becomes clearer.
Flexible workspaces offer solutions
There is a lot of uncertainty about how economic activities will take off as restrictions get eased following COVID-19. Small businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers who function with limited resources need to be vigilant as they adjust to a “new normal” of doing business. Key factors driving their growth are how fast they respond to market changes and operate efficiently. Renting a flexible office space is a way to meet these challenges with confidence.
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