Small Businesses

3 Ways to Stretch Your Small Business Budget

Any small business owner can increase their profit if they follow a certain set of guiding principles.  If you are like many business owners, you have tight budget.  Does it really need to be that tight?

The answer is no. There are ways around paying more to get less. Here are three ways that you can […]

By |April 12th, 2017|Small Business Tips, SmallBiz Builder|0 Comments

Hiring Credit for Small Businesses – Extended to 2013

The 2013 federal budget extended the hiring credit for small business (HCSB), a credit intended to stimulate new employment and support small businesses. The HCSB provides small businesses relief from the employer’s share of employment insurance (EI) premiums paid in 2013. The credit does this by paying up to $1,000 based on increases in an […]

By |November 8th, 2013|SmallBiz Builder|0 Comments