calgary accountant

Estate Planning

There are several areas that are included in estate planning. Here is a brief list of some of them:

You should have a will that  includes your desires and tax considerations.
You should consider steps to minimize probate fees (or Estate Administration Tax) on your death, if applicable.
You should have enough insurance to meet […]

By |January 2nd, 2017|SmallBiz Builder|0 Comments

Owner – Managed Business – Creditor Proofing

Every business owner should be concerned about creditor proofing his assets. Here are several suggestions to consider:
1. Transfer assets out of the company:

Place capital assets in a separate holding corporation so that subsequent legal claims that arise in the operating company do not affect these assets.
Lease the assets in the holding corporation back […]

By |June 8th, 2016|SmallBiz Builder|0 Comments

Online Advertising Income

If you have a website or a blog and you charge for advertising, links, or reviews, you must report the income on your Canadian income tax returns. Send invoices to your clients and customers. If your invoices exceed $30,000 in the last four consecutive calendar quarters, you must register for HST/GST. Once you are registered, […]

By |May 8th, 2016|SmallBiz Builder|0 Comments

CPP Changes January 2012-2016

These changes affect you if you are:

an employee who contributes to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), whether you’re just starting your career or you are planning to retire soon;
a self-employed person who contributes to the CPP;
between the ages of 60 and 70 and you work while receiving your CPP retirement pension (or […]

By |May 6th, 2015|Tax Tips|0 Comments

Registered Educational Savings Plan (RESP)

A RESP is a savings plan for post-secondary education which allows funds to accumulate on a tax-deferred basis up to certain limits. There is no annual limit for contributions. For each beneficiary the lifetime limit on contributions is $50,000. Although there is no tax deduction, the interest and income earned within the plan is sheltered, […]

By |March 7th, 2014|SmallBiz Builder|0 Comments

2014 Tax System Indexation

On January 1, 2014, all indexed personal income tax amounts, including tax bracket thresholds and amounts used to calculate non-refundable tax credits, were adjusted by 0.9{9de21fd12e8ca6488972186bbb5fe81becd95b7b490974f1f8badcf668439b39}. The Canada Child Tax Benefit and the goods and services tax credit will take effect July 1, 2014.
For 2014 the federal tax bracket thresholds are:

22{9de21fd12e8ca6488972186bbb5fe81becd95b7b490974f1f8badcf668439b39} for taxable income above […]

By |February 6th, 2014|Tax Tips|0 Comments

Remitting GST/HST on Taxable Benefits

Did you know that GST/HST must be remitted on a taxable benefit unless the benefit is tax exempt or zero-rated, for example the benefit on low-interest loans? An example of a tax benefit that is not exempt includes the automobile standby charge and operating expense benefit. GST/HST must be remitted on shareholder benefits if they […]

By |January 3rd, 2014|Tax Tips|0 Comments

$750,000 Capital Gains Ddeduction

You can make use of the lifetime $750,000 capital gains deduction if you dispose of shares  in a qualified small business corporation, a qualified farm property, or a qualified fishing property. If you have already claimed the $100,000 personal capital gain exemption (ended in 1994) then this reduces the available lifetime capital gains to $650,000. […]

By |December 9th, 2013|SmallBiz Builder, Tax Tips|0 Comments

Eligible Deductions & Credits

If you pay the following expenses by December 31, 2013 they will be eligible for the deductions of credits:

Childcare expenses
Deductible support payments
Charitable donations
Union and professional dues
Moving expenses
Political donations
Accounting fees
Medical expenses
Investment counsel fees
Interest paid on loans used to purchase investments
Tuition fees
Children’s Fitness Expenses
Children’s artistic, cultural, recreational or developmental fees

By |December 4th, 2013|SmallBiz Builder|0 Comments

Hiring Credit for Small Businesses – Extended to 2013

The 2013 federal budget extended the hiring credit for small business (HCSB), a credit intended to stimulate new employment and support small businesses. The HCSB provides small businesses relief from the employer’s share of employment insurance (EI) premiums paid in 2013. The credit does this by paying up to $1,000 based on increases in an […]

By |November 8th, 2013|SmallBiz Builder|0 Comments