Time for a Padgett Reality Check! ™
Industry Comparisons
The Next Best Thing to Getting a Peek Inside Your Industry
Ever been asked by a friend or customer about how your business is doing? How do you answer that? “Great, thanks!” Business is brisk. Customers are happy. Your costs are right in line. Aren’t they? Are your advertising expenses in line? How about your rent? Is it time to expand? How do your payroll expenses compare? Spending too much on delivery costs? Could you be overstaffed for the sales volumes you have? Running too lean? How do you know? The exclusive Padgett Reality Check ™ will help you know how your business compares to others in your industry. It’s an innovative financial tool exclusive to Padgett clients and it allows them to effectively gauge the competition.
Our exclusive “Padgett Reality Check Report™ …
…performs a comprehensive data comparison of your business with others in your industry, so you can improve performance and profitability. Before Padgett introduced the Padgett Reality Check, industry-wide comparative information and the insight it provides was only available to huge corporations. But now, you and your Padgett professional can review how your business compares to others in your industry with similar revenues. And you’ll be able to make better informed strategic decisions!
For a Padgett Reality Check ™ of your business, contact us today.